Saturday, 11 May 2019

It Hurts

While I was listening Ólafur Arnalds this morning (I still am) I decided to write a little tale from my view about how Earth suffers thanks to humankind. 

(Photo was taken by myself)

I saw the most dazzling light. It was as strong as the reflection of the sun in the ocean's high tide. So breathtaking and warm. I could hear a voices too far away but still too close. They were accompanied by the waves of the blooming sea. And there was still a hopelessness, a despair walked hand in hand with a powerful love. You could hear the ancient voices talking to you through the ground, through your bare foot so you could finally understand. It was scared, she was scared. Something was hurting her, leaving the deep scars all over her beautiful skin. So deep and nobody could heal them. You could only feel her cries, her loud cries and screams. But nobody was really listening to her. Too many significants and she was eaten alive by such a monster that was breaking her soul apart. I jumped into her embrace, I wanted to save her, let her know that I'm here listening her opening her heart about such a pain. Not even a Mariana Trench was as deep as her sorrow is. And then she was prepared to fight back with a last breath. I knew this is my last goodbye to her. So I cried with Mother Nature that was slowly dying. And so I died with her, connected.

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