Thursday, 18 April 2019

Coffee Addiction

I think we all have a little weakness for something. One of mine is a coffee.

I seriously can't imagine my morning without a cup of coffee. Since I suffer from migraines for already a couple of years, coffee is my friend. Altough it's a little paradox because a caffeine usually makes your body dry. Just look at all the Coffee bars, when you order an espresso or a stronger cup, you naturally get a water too.

Today everybody wants to live a healthy and very producting life so a lot of people gave up on a coffee. But I can't give up - I'm a coffee addicted!

Altough, my coffee is ... not a coffee for a higher addicted people. I mix my coffee with a drops of milk so the usual bitterness disappears. But! It's my coffee and nobody can take it away from me.

Another thing why I drink the coffee is because I don't like teas much. I only drink a tea when I'm really sick. Which is a sign for a mom to recognize that something is not alright. 

So my routine is switching a bit - a tea replaces my favorite caffeine.

But when I'm healthy, I'm being very grumpy on the morning. Especially when something wakes me up. Then I'm something like Hulk. The big, angry being. But I'm small so it can be cute!

Nobody can talk to me until I take a first sip of this bitter liquid. Also I have to admit that I cut back on a caffeine a bit. I used to drink like five cups per day. Now I drink three cups, sometimes only one. So I can't really say if I drink it too much. It comes with a day.

But we all are sinners and coffee is one of my sin. Hard to get rid off the addiction of mine :)

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